06. Lesson 2 Exercise

Lesson 2 Exercise


ND213 C04 L02 C2-5-A1

Code Discussion

ND213 C04 L02 C2-5-A2

Project Tasks

  • Task L2.1 : In method Vehicle::drive(), start up a task using std::async which takes a reference to the
    method Intersection::addVehicleToQueue, the object _currDestination and a shared pointer to this using the
    get_shared_this() function. Then, wait for the data to be available before proceeding to slow down.

  • Task L2.2 : In method Intersection::addVehicleToQueue(), add the new vehicle to the waiting line by
    creating a promise, a corresponding future and then adding both to _waitingVehicles. Then wait until
    the vehicle has been granted entry.

  • Task L2.3 : In method WaitingVehicles::permitEntryToFirstInQueue(), get the entries from the
    front of _promises and _vehicles. Then, fulfill promise and send signal back that permission to enter
    has been granted. Finally, remove the front elements from both queues.


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  • Opened files (when workspace is loaded): n/a
  • userCode:

    export CXX=g++-7